Pastors' Luncheon 3-22-12

Pastors Luncheon & Workshop

MARCH 22, 2012


This luncheon will be preceded by two talks by Pastor Rick Leineweber on small groups. Pastor Rick has been a church planter, senior pastor, small group pastor, consultant and seminar leader. He has had a passion for making disciples in the context of small groups since 1982. He has served in churches of 250, 400, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000, so he is familiar with doing small groups in churches of different sizes and can relate to your unique challenges.


Pastor Rick believes small churches remain small because pastors think of their church as a small group. In reality, in a church of 50 a pastor cannot provide personalized care on a weekly basis for everyone in their congregation. Even the most capable pastor has a limited span of care and a ceiling. From that point on the pastor becomes the limitation to church growth.

The principle is true!

The breadth of your base determines the height of the pyramid.


“The breadth of your

leadership base determines the growth

 of your church. If you can multiply your efforts by

reproducing leaders who can share the pastoral care with you

through small groups you will avoid burnout and your church will grow.”




Session #1 – During the first session Pastor Rick will outline how to start small groups in your church.


Session #2 – Most Lead Pastors have never been trained in how they can accelerate the growth of their small group system. Pastor Rick will share 22 things that a lead pastor can do that a small group point person cannot do for himself to advance small groups in your church. All Lead Pastors want their small group pastor or lay point person to succeed, but are often unaware of the roadblocks that only they can remove! Pastor Rick’s 10:30AM talk will address this area.


Who is invited: Senior Pastors and the Small Group Point Person (staff or lay volunteer). Come together or come alone!


How much: $12.00 per person


What Time:

r  How to Start Small Groups in Your Church (9:00AM-10:30PM)

r  How a Lead Pastor Can Support his Church’s Small Group Point Person (10:30AM-12:15PM)

r  Lunch (12:15-1:15PM)


You can attend both talks and the luncheon or if you already have small groups just come for the second talk and the lunch.


This event is being hosted by the Small Group Pastors Network of Hampton Roads and Atlantic Shores Baptist Church.


Please RSVP by March 19th.

[Registration Form]