Become a Leader

Descending to Greatness!


Want to be a Leader?


I am so glad that you clicked on this area of our website. If you contact your church office they may have a step-by-step intentional approach to leadership placement & development.


It’s our desire to coach churches how to provide a clear path into leadership for those who desire to serve as leaders who make disciples. Jesus said the way up is down. The greatest is servant of all!


Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. 27And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave-- 28just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:26-28).


Churches are looking for humble people who want to do great things with the help of their great God. 


When I was a young pastor I would begin training emerging leaders only to frustrate them and inevitably hear those words- Every time I think I’m ready you have another hoop for me to jump through. This led to writing out a clear path into leadership rather than changing or adding expectations as we go. I affectionately call this process my Hoops document. If you are interested in leading a small I'm sure there is a church in your area that would be willing to sit down with you and personalize this path based upon your past experience, gifts and training.


Please contact me if you need help to connect with a church that is making disciples in the context of a small group. – Rick Leineweber or call (757) 284-1536 


Emerging Disciplemakers need a church that provide:


·         Shepherding care of leaders

·        Lifelong learning opportunities

·         Delegation & supervision instead of abdication

·         Help to succeed as an emerging leader


The Reluctant Leader


“I’m not sure I have been called”

Disciplemaking is not a matter of calling but command. Every believer has been commanded to make disciples in Matthew 28:19,20. The Great Commission is an Everyday Commission for every believer. Choosing not to make disciples is not an option but deciding what ministry you will do it through is an option.


“I’m scared to lead a group”

All the great leaders in scripture were scared silly. Moses (Ex.3:11,12a), Joshua (Josh.1:9) and even the great Apostle Paul (Acts 18:9,10). The Great Commission comes with a promise. (Matt.28:20) If we are about the Father’s business of making disciples Jesus promises that His manifest presence will be evident when we are making disciples. We are not alone.


“I don’t think I can lead a group”

Jesus throughout the gospels said in essence: ”I cannot do anything without the Father.” Jesus recognized in His humanity that if he was going to make disciples or accomplish any ministry objective He had to be dependent upon the Father. (Jn.17:7; 5:19,30,38; 6:38; 8:28; 10:21) This is true for each of us. Jesus said in John 15:5 “…for apart from Me you can do nothing”. God never intended for us to do it. He wants us to simply be available as a clean vessel for His use. 2 Tim.2:20-21


“I don’t know enough”

You will grow the most when you are placed in a situation where you are responsible to disciple a few other people. Everyone knows more than someone else. Some of my best professors in college were teaching for their first time. They were well prepared because their students were nipping at their heels. The responsibility of leading a group has a built in accountability and it keeps you on the cutting edge of spiritual growth. It’s important to remember that the best leaders are learners and when you stop learning you stop leading, regardless of how much you know. The key to discipling people in a small group is being love with skin on it. Over the years I‘ve noticed that homeschooling moms will do for love what a teacher won’t do for pay. In the same way a discipler who is passionate about fulfilling the Great Commission in a Great Commandment way (loving God & loving people) finds the means to grow the members of his/her group up in Christ.


“I still have small children”

Recently a mother confided in me that she and her husband pulled out of small group leadership and then ultimately out of the group entirely. This was all done in the name of “Family Values.” She said this was an awful mistake for two reasons. First, because it isolated her from her primary network of friends that could have made those earlier years of child raising easier. There was no one to take turns with watching the children so she could find some free time. The second reason is because parenting never gets easier and discipling is always a matter of priority. The most powerful environment to raise children is an authentic biblical community. 2 Tim.3:15 The value of watching Mommy & Daddy point others to Jesus in the context of a small group throughout the growing up years has a positive & powerful impact on the life of a child.


“I don’t want to fail”

If you don’t try, you can be sure you won’t succeed. Our leadership training, formal apprenticeships, and coaching system are all designed to help you succeed. But there is still an element of risk. No one has ever attempted great things for God in some low risk adventure. Faith is required and “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Heb.11:1) This also raises another unseen element, the spirit world. Satan is trying to undo whatever you spiritually accomplish in people’s lives. This is one of the reasons why we envision ourselves as a Desperate Church. In desperation we seek God’s face for His wisdom and power. We desperately need Him! We don’t want to be like the self-absorbed and affluent church of Laodicea that thought that they were in “need of nothing”. (Rev. 3:17) They thought that they didn’t need God.


These statements may not represent your reluctance in becoming a small group leader or apprentice at ASBC. Whatever the reason for your reluctance, God can help you overcome it. God loves to show Himself strong for those who are totally dependent upon Him.


2 Corinthians 3:5 says, “Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God.”


God is prepared to give you everything that you need to lead a small group if you are only willing to depend upon Him and promise to give Him the glory.


We would encourage you to contact us to talk through your reluctance.