Rick Leineweber - Director Biblical Disciplemaking
Rick has been a Senior Pastor, church planter, consultant, seminar speaker and for the last 16 years has specialized in small group discipleship. He is a graduate of Washington Bible College and has received advanced training in his areas of expertise. He has pastored in churches of 250, 1000, 2000 and 4000. Rick is the author of "The Commands of Christ" and numerous articles, small group lessons and skill training packets. His personal micro-mission in life is to equip leaders (lay & professional) to make disciples in small groups through a Win, Build, Equip and Multiply approach to ministry. Rick resides in Virginia Beach with his dear wife Betsy. Their youngest son Philip attends Liberty Baptist Seminary where he is completing his M-Div, their daughter Kimberly is the Director of Childrens Ministry at Virginia Beach Community Chapel. Their older son, Joel is the web architect & design manager for Answers in Genesis in northern Kentucky.